Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The video of last month's 1Utama Unicef Flashmob

The video of last month's 1Utama Unicef Flashmob

Last month... RandomAlphabets and Unicef organized a flashmob
in One Utama. The mission? Raise awareness about child abuse. The
effect on shoppers? You'll see ;)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

moot [the end]

Putting all this down in words is so hard. and just now i saw Arinah walk the corridors of AIKOL with the same haunted expression as i myself must have worn at my lowest. i think the story should be written down. wipe my hands clean off and hopefully leave this burning hurt behind.

Going in as a law student of IIUM, you would be stupid not to know what the hell mooting was. Even in matrix they had workshops for it. During my batch of 2006 the workshop was conducted by Miss Siti Aliza Alias and Miss Nani respectively in two separate halls. This was to prepare us for the course Basic Legal Methods where a moot will be conducted as part of the curricular.

So the interest began there and people were ready to take it up in Gombak. But the hype of first year made me lose focus of what i wanted. So instead I joined debate naturally. And by naturally I mean debate was not new territory. Everyone knows what debate was since SCHOOL. And they were very accessible. They held tryouts weekly. Practice. And new people were welcomed to join. So "naturally" debate was my outlet. But not for long. I joined one competition and knew it was not for me. Having to have such general knowledge at your fingertips and having so little preparation left me with a feeling that it was way too messy for me to handle. Then life as a student took control and I enjoyed myself. Immensely.

At the end of my first year, Dr Aiman Nariman told me and a few friends to try out for moots. Unfortunately the tryouts was held yearly at the end of every first semester. So I waited.

In my second year we had Compulsory Moots. (yes AIKOL loves mooting) and our lecturer was Miss Siti Aliza Alias. At the end of the class she asked a few students (including yours truly) to join the moot workshop as briefing before the next tryouts. Again at this point, there was no advertisement. Mooting is SUCH an exclusive society that it was almost a secret one. But that I would soon learn is a great trait.

During the workshop Prof Naqib gave a brief lecture on Public International Law. Then the issue that we had to prepare for tryouts was given out. With zero knowledge and at a confused state of mind I prepared the issue best I could. My bench on the tryout was Raja Bad, Madam Suzana and Kak Fitah. Yes. KAK FITAH. Was marvelous.. I plunge it. And she attacked (as she should). i crumbled but held my grounds. The ONE clear thing from that day was a question that i was successfully able to answer. And by successful I meant I knew the answer and I directed her accordingly to my authority. The rest was nothing short of a train-wreck.

That day I spent crying...

So imagine my surprise and relief that I survived the tryouts and was one of the lucky four handpicked by Kak FITAH HERSELF! to be in Media Law 2009.

MEDIA LAW 2009 was overwhelming. I am unable to put in words my whole experience. The sleepless agonizing nights. The intensive training and the one who shaped us all newbies was Kak Fitah. She was there every single night despite still chambering and had to juggle grueling work while at the same time training us just by the sheer love of mooting itself.

The thought that the university was prepared to send us to London makes me appreciate the magnanimity of it all. Besides going to Mecca when I was a little girl (in which i have no recollection whatsoever), I have not traveled outside of Malaysia. And suddenly I was representing the university in London!

Kak Fitah was hard on us and we pushed hard. The whole experience was surreal. At all points I question my decision for joining because moot is life-changing. It absorbs everything and break your very essence. Needless to say I was very traumatised but confusingly excited at the same time. I LOVED mooting as much as i despised it. I could almost imagine my 2 side arguing as different person while i warily stand on the sideline.

But the competition itself.. damn... I was in my element. The people we met, the rounds we went through, the questions, the judges. Adrenaline pumping, my head was pounding. I never knew orals could be so fun.

My regret was perhaps not being all i could be. i wish i was older, more experienced. I wish that maybe by winning I could convince myself that I am good enough. Its childish. But moot and debate traced back to the desire to feel good. I want to bring the trophy home and shove it in front of my school teacher's face and show her that I was good enough for the school. I have always been good enough. I am not some faceless script-writer who watches her friend speak her words for her. Yes. School has ended but i was still scarred with rejection..

But moot (or maybe time?) changed that. After media ended, moot was more than a cure for that memory. It was a life. So i managed to move past that.. Moot was bigger than petty revenge.

BUT then 2nd sem results came out..... hahahahahaha. Imagine. Less than 3 weeks after the competition was final exam! do the math.. :p

So with not so heavy heart (because i still remember the desperation i felt during training and though it was worth it in the end, the smell of moot room just reminded me of the bad times, the fights, the work, the arguments, the long long hours...)i quit mooting...

Life took control and though I always had the itch. I didn't give in. Until IHL....

I worked so hard. I learned from ALL my mistakes in media. I was more matured in my thinking and my work. I did not waste time. I did not procrastinate. Was it as depressing? surprisingly no. Without a trainer or a coach, yes it was difficult because we needed that person who can point out what we did wrong, what we are doing wrong. But i think in all honesty we manage pretty good.

During the competition itself, first round, i sucked! we won but nerves got the best of me. it was full 5 minutes before i warmed up and i was the first speaker! sigh~
But i thought that in the end we were better than in practice. I was feeling ok.

The second round though... damn! haha.. i really felt good about myself. I was confident..

My opponents for first round was USIM who have grown so much in terms of moot. and UUM just sucked. i have the video to prove this claim.

SO imagine my surprise when UUM went into the semis and went out to win the whole competition in the most undeserved manner....

and we lost.. in preliminaries.......

and my heart just broke into pieces.

So i say goodbye to moot now and forever. i wish to never revisit the painful memory of losing. because though we could have been better, (given time we would be) we were the best in the competition. I am profoundly proud of my juniors. And thoroughly sorry that I could not lead them to win it all..

MOOT [the end]

p/s: never join moot unless you have a tayan... because at the end of the day, someone needs to glue you back to pieces. To hold you while you cry.

who knows just how much it hurts because she loves you so much she understands.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jawatankuasa Fatwa tolak bukan Islam jadi peguam syarie

MELAKA 17 Dis. – Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam hari ini membuat keputusan menolak sebarang pelantikan individu bukan Islam sebagai peguam syarie.

Pengerusinya, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Abdul Shukor Husin berkata, keputusan sebulat suara itu diambil dengan mengambil kira beberapa perkara utama yang tidak melayakkan individu bukan Islam untuk menjadi peguam syarie di Mahkamah Syariah.

Menurutnya, dari segi teknikal, jika peguam bukan Islam sewaktu perbicaraan melakukan kesalahan menghina mahkamah, dia tidak boleh diadili dan dibicarakan di Mahkamah Syariah.

‘‘Kita tidak boleh bicara peguam bukan Islam di Mahkamah Syariah kerana mahkamah ini khusus untuk orang Islam,” katanya ketika ditemui selepas mempengerusikan muzakarah kali ke-92 itu di sini hari ini.

Majlis bermula Rabu lalu dan berakhir hari ini itu dihadiri kira-kira 22 ahli jawatankuasa fatwa kebangsaan terdiri daripada mufti negeri.

Abdul Shukor berkata, seseorang yang mahu menjadi peguam syarie perlu berkemampuan untuk mengetahui syariat-syariat Islam.

‘‘Lebih penting lagi, ia berkaitan dengan roh keyakinan diri untuk membela orang Islam di Mahkamah Syariah kerana perlu memahami dan menghayati konsep akidah, tauhid dan rukun Islam.

‘‘Seseorang peguam syarie juga perlu mengetahui syariat-syariat Islam kerana perbicaraan melibatkan hujah-hujah syariah dan al-Quran,’’ katanya.

Menurut beliau, jawatankuasa itu berpendapat individu bukan Islam tidak bersedia untuk semua perkara tersebut justeru keputusan untuk menolak sebarang pelantikan mereka sebagai peguam syarie adalah wajar.

utusan malaysia-18/12/10

Friday, December 17, 2010

Seoul Garden

Impressively best tempat ni! We went the one yang kat OU punye hari tu. setelah kak fitah mem-browse the whole directory untuk carik tempat makan. and terus set untuk makan sini. kedai die kat new wing. Im not surprise if you missed it because sangat camouflage gitu. haha.. its opposite auntie anne's pretzel deret o'briens tu sume.

We got our student card, so its only around RM30 plus free flow of food and drink. SERONOK! wide range gile. from beef, chicken, seafood, sayur, eskrem.. tak menyesal pegi. hehe... terima kasih kak fitah :P

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You figure it out.

Dear layman,

Please dont blame my university just in case you meet with stupid lawyers. Apparently, the practioners nowadays prefer the style than the law. There dont care what bullshits or craps they were given, as long as the presentation is with style, they will accept it. To you practioners, you are seriously contributing to the stigma that lawyers are liars. You make these lawyers in making practice to give shits rather than the right things and laws. Well done. I shall see the blackness of the laws soon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


"aku rasa korang ni memang takkan menang best memo. (pause). unless there is a miracle"


and for the second sentence.. double ouch..

I am disappointed. How could i not. This memorial is a labour of love that me and arinah have slaved over.

This is my responsibility. on my shoulders.

To say that the above comment was unfair is untrue. reading my opponent's memorials made me want to kick myself.

So yes. i am so sorry. IHL 2010 will not see UIA grab the best memorial prize. Our only salvation.

I am sorry...

Monday, December 6, 2010

14 year old marries 23 year old man

Child marriage at this day and age?

And something sanctioned by the Shariah Court... i hate this. it doesnt matter that it was consented by her parents. it remains that its barbaric...

Read this

When i was 14. i barely knew a thing. i was ill equipped for my own life much less to be responsible for anything else.

This is a joke. This should be the death of Syariah Court to allow such union.. Or at least a revolution of the Court. if anything it should change. it shouldnt become irrelevant and barbaric. this is akin to something like selling your child. 14 year old is a child. barely a teen. how can you do this to her? Why cant you wait 4 years? Honestly i support Syariah Court but come on. Were you born without common sense?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Tidak dapat dinafikan kehebatan teknologi yang menyenangkan hidup. TETAPI..... of course the cons still ade. Mari kite rungkaikan:

1. Touch & Go + Smart tag: senangkan hidup. tak payah beratur panjang-panjang. TETAPI dah tak leh ngurat kakak tol, OR tanye direction jalan disaat bengap dan tak de GPS.

2. Telefon ber-apps; android, bb or iphone: seronok dapat main game disaat kebosanan tunggu time makan kat kenduri kawen TETAPI sume orang duduk semeja tapi tengok phone. gelak sorang sorang kat phone, sepatah haram tak cakap dengan orang sebelah.

3. Tv HD, 3D: Fuuuyyyyyooooooooo!!! Gile cantik gambar TETAPI sume benda nampak real. sampai bulu hidung pon nampak. kalau nak tengok clear mcm tu baik duduk kat shopping mall tengok orang jalan. dah tak rase mcm tgk tv. rase pelik pon ade :P (i know this sounds stupid)

4. Those fancy toilet bowls with buttons: macam cool main tekan tekan butang kat tepi toilet bowl tu TETAPI wth. nak pegi toilet pon punye complicated?? letak je la anti-bakteria punye sabun dalam tu and flush. heh.

5. GPS: memudahkan perjalanan ATAU anda memang bengap TETAPI you'll drive like a tortoise and it can caused accidents as kau sibuk sangat nak tengok bendealah tu.

ni je yang dapat difikirkan sekarang. harap maklum.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

the NEED.

Explain the NEED of the MEGA TOWER, NEW ISTANA + THE HIGHWAY when you have to INCREASE the petrol price. Maybe the government should start explaining and make people understand how the money was spent on big projects as it involved the tax payers money.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

From private.

Posts below taken from my private blog. sebab tu macam dah berzaman je benda nye. haha.. these are the ones that are shareable. yang lain takut kena isa. :P

Kasih Seorang AYAH

Hujan semakin lebat, angin bertiup kencang, kilatan petir memanah kebumi. Seorang bapa dan anak perempuannya basah kuyup menuju ke arah sebuah jambatan. Hari telah lewat, mereka perlu pulang segera sebelum langit menjadi gelap.

Si bapa melihat air sungai yang deras dan ganas. Kemudian dia memandang ke arah jambatan kayu dihadapannya. Biarpun beberapa batang kayu pada jambatan itu telah kopak dan reput, mereka perlu melintasinya. Tiada jalan lain.

Si bapa memandang anak perempuannya yang sedang menggigil kesejukan. “Sayang…” kata si bapa, “pegang tangan ayah kuat-kuat.”

Jawab si anak, “tak mahu! Ayah yang kena pegang tangan saya kuat-kuat!”

Si bapa terdiam. “oh… kan sama saja tu”

“tak sama, ayah…” jawab si anak, “kalau saya pegang tangan ayah dan terjadi apa-apa pada saya, saya mungkin akan terlepas tangan ayah. Tapi kalau ayah yang pegang, saya tahu walau apa pun yang terjadi, ayah takkan lepaskan tangan saya.”

* the passage above was taken from a magazine.

Yup… I still hope I can be that little girl where you’ll hold me tight no matter what happen. You’ll always be by my side and always catch me whenever I fall. You’ll always give me the strength and motivation whenever life disappointed me. You’ll give me the warm and firm hug that only a FATHER can give. I hope those memories that I had with you since I was born right till the last word I said to you will last forever. I hope my memory is strong enough to remember all the things you taught about life: the way to drive, the road to take, the manners to have, the precautions to remember, the love to share, the family bonding to care… EVERYTHING.

You do MEAN something to me. Your place in my heart can never be doubt. Right until now I’m still hoping to see you driving the car, water the plants, and watch the tv… how I hope… you are still around, and I can be that little girl again…