Monday, April 23, 2012

Empty cans make the most noise.

Today, out of GREAT disappointment I’m finally posting this.

The youngsters actively participate in demonstrations is something very common now. They seem to be very vocal with regards to things that to THEIR mind are in need of change. Fair enough. After all we live in a democracy society and it is ‘supposed’ to be a human right thing that the humans will have the freedom of speech.

But just a subtle reminder. PLEASE USE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO VOICE OUT your opinion or say something. I’m sure we’ve heard that “Empty cans make the most noise” isn’t it. 

Besides all the demonstrations, people commenting here and there be it about political issues, human rights… everyone seems to have their own opinion on things and trying to be very ‘academic’. Previously only scholars will make a remark on something and that will only be done after doing all the necessary research but that is not the case now. Everybody appears to be a scholar somehow regardless whether you even complete your degree or not.

A near example happened this afternoon. A MALE student full with ‘charisma’ and ‘man-ness’ bravely raised his hand and said: “may I give suggestions with regards to this matter?”. WOW! It’s very brave of him to do that. But FIRST, is it PROPER for him to do that??

I’m so sorry, you may call me “narrow-minded” or “conservative”, I don’t mind. In fact that is what I am. I believed that parents and teachers deserve all the respect in the world. If you have any opinion or suggestion, I think it is proper for you to see them personally rather than voicing or shouting it out for the whole class to hear.

The reason is simple. What if the opinion or whatever you said could some way or another hurt or embarrassed your teacher? Is it OK for that to happen then? Personally, I do not see anything wrong with whatever she said. the remarks she made on her disappointment of things, she deserved to say that and what she said is not in any way prejudice or biased. It is based on her experience and sad to say, I admit the things she said is true.

The problem with the students now to be specific is that they do not use their brains. They have the knowledge in hand, but they are somehow too dependent and restricted on the resources that they have and they do not at all can think professionally. Of course they are experts on how to DRESS UP to class, how to act in front of their partners, how to simply voice out anything that comes to mind without even thinking, but when it comes to being professional and try to imagine yourself in a situation, they FAILED!

It is always someone else’s fault but never theirs. It is also the government, the teachers, the parents that are wronged but never them. How can you criticized others when YOU, yourself cannot accept criticisms? Each one of us has our own war. Please be nice and considerate towards others so that others can and hopefully will do the same towards you. And because of your ‘brave-ness’ other people that doesn’t share the same opinion as you will now have to suffer for your stupidity. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Born This Way?

Excerpt taken from the Lyrics Born This Way by Lady Gaga:

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby

Oh there ain't no other way
Oh there ain't no other way
I'm on the right track, baby

I'm on the right track baby
I'm on the right track baby

Same DNA, but born this way.
Same DNA, but born this way.

Dear Lady Gaga,

I doubt it... LOL

Friday, April 6, 2012

KECEWA adalah perasaan aku sekarang. Aku dikhianat.

Aku bukan pro-gov. In the sense that parti aku adalah PAS. Aku sokong ideologi PAS. Tapi.. Ni adalah kerajaan. Aku bukan pro-gov. Aku pro-Malaysia. So.. In realiti aku menyokong BN sebagai peneraju kerajaan Malaysia. So there is trust. Aku trust dia (secara paksa atau rela) to do what is best for Malaysia.

OF COURSE aku sedar ada pengundi hantu. OF COURSE aku dah baca from blogs yang tunjuk bukti that dalam system SPR ade 2 org with the same IC. So aku tau pengkhianatan tu.

So bile aku nampak gambar ni kat facebook. Aku tak terkejut. Malah aku rasa itu mungkin satu taktik pembangkang untuk dapat lagi pengundi. BTW.. pic kecik even originally and quite unclear. So look at the pic urself here. But to those yang tak click the link, the pic shows a print screen of a result of search untuk pengundi using the IC number. So apparently the same IC number is registered for two different voters.

What I usually do in this situation is mempercayai yang really MEMANG ADE PENGUNDI HANTU! But looking at this picture. Aku mcm syak wasangka BECAUSE aku dah pernah check whether aku dah registered belum and the result bukan mcm picture yang kat atas ni. Lagipun takkanlah keluar dua nama. So aku yakin yang picture kat atas, yang menunjukkan dua pengundi ade same IC, adalah FAKE. So aku enlarge and try to read the numbers and did my own research. Aku set out to prove that my govt was innocent. Can you imagine that? Me being pro-PAS and all set out to SHOW that opposition don’t play fair either.

The results are these:

Haih... Kecewa....

Do you believe in Ghost?

Well... Do you?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Food Food Food - Ep. 1

I aim to blog about all of our (our being me and my bestie) favourite restaurant that we usually go on the weekends or whenever we have the time. And I would also blog about some restaurant which we don't go EVERY TIME we go out but is still special in our hearts...

What better way to kick off the series of "food food food" then the one place that we never tire of going:
The Story

I have always had a soft spot for sushi. I started eating the ones bought in Carrefour when i was in my primary school years in JB. So over the years, whenever my mom had some shopping to do, I would buy SUSHI. Be it in carrefour (in JB) or Giant or Tesco (in Shah Alam) and later Jusco (in Bukit Raja) . I can tell you that in previous years, the best sushi was in Giant.
I suspected the auntie who made it fresh before my eyes was japanese. But then the quality went away with the auntie but it is still better than Tesco. Of course even in primary, i knew of the existence of SUSHI KING. But legend has it that it's bloody expensive and one seating can cost you at least RM100. So I never went.

On my 3rd year in IIUM however, me and my bestie found ourselves seating with a few friends (all experts of sushi king) ordering sushi in SUSHI KING! The prices were not as high as i thought it was and that day only resulted in me forking out RM20 or so.

Of course, as a student, it still wasn't cheap so i think we went there once more and never again. Until i started working and able to afford it at least once a month. We loved it so much that there was one time where if we go to OU we will end up eating in sushi king. Despite our strong determination not to go. Even until today, bestie says that she is still not bored of sushi king and the restaurant would be NUMBER ONE in her heart.

The menu

To find the complete menu of sushi king, please visit this link.

Sushi King is also not limited to just sushi. You can find 'Donburi' which are rice sets and also noodles.

We usually order one 'Donburi'. We have a favourite but always vary our orders to taste ALL of it.

We would also take one 'Nigiri' which is either the unagi slice or the salmon OR BOTH!

Next is 'Gunkan' where we order both the Chuka Chinmi and Chuka Kurage as the pic below. We also order chuka idako (which is the sotong) and tuna mayo

And we finish with kanikama maki which are crab stick sushi.

For drinks we would take 2 cold green tea. If the crowd is thin, they would give a jug of green tea for you to refill yourself. I forgot to mention... IT'S FREE!! hahaha

The best thing about Sushi King that i can say or at least at One Utama is that the services are awesome. And the food is great.. Please visit the website to know more. Some pics are below. I would recommend the One Utama Sushi King because i'm not sure of the others. The food are the same. But the atmosphere may differ.



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Let the games begin

So lately ni.. di sekitar Shah Alam aku akan nampak ini:

Ops.. Ha.. yang last one tuh tak la. BTW. kenapa nak bakar2 pulak ni?? kau duit mmg tak reti nak hargai eh? Kau ingat kau bakar tu ade symbolize anything ke. "Every small thing you do. Let it matter." and this action was pointless...

Anyway. As i was saying. Bendera2 yang digantung tak cukup meriah untuk aku fikir "Dah election ke? Aku miss announcement???"... Tapi of course mencurigakan. kenapa tiba2 penuh bendera barisan nasional (hahaha.. aku selalu tersasul sebut ni bendera umno)...

So obviously ini hanya misteri yang aku takkan solve pon because aku bukan seorang detective sekolah menengah...

Kalau kau tak tau siapa dia, childhood/adulthood kau sgt tak fulfilling. It's not as good as reading straight from a comic book BUT you have to try sample the online manga. It's different because it is in english. The comic is of course alih bahasa ke BM. So once you're hook, purchase the comic for your reading pleasure.

*on a sidenote, even with the existence of e-book, i would forever choose to read the proper book. that is until mother earth absolutely can't take anymore destruction of its trees. sigh~*

AGAIN. aku dah miss my point. So anyway. No.. Tak de jawapan dalam post ini KENAPA bendera BN merata tempat di dalam shah alam ni. But i am making an educated deduction that probably election dah dekat and nak get ahead of the competition. Like ha gantung semua2.. biar orang dah nampak dan imprint dalam otak logo bendera tuh. then announce date and wait for the others untuk terhegeh2 gantung... I have nothing against that. You have to play by your advantage kan.. hahaha

SO... dengan deduksi aku sendiri.. ELECTION DAH DEKAT!! mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! akhirnya akan diperguna juga identiti aku sebagai seorang pengundi yang sudah 3 tahun menunggu untuk dipergunakan.

For now... Obviously those that knows me best knows which side of the fence i am on. But i am determined to choose not the party but the people.... so sway me politicians. Let's hear you out.

Let the games begin...

Monday, April 2, 2012

When it rains, it pours

I have always had a crush on the guy. But not a huge crush yang sampai menangis air mata berdarah seperti ini:

Haha.. emo-tikus sangat gambar ni. ade lagi few freaky pictures. Type je air mata berdarah kat google. or ini link die (ini untuk menepati janji to have more pix ;p)

ANYWAY. so takde air mata berdarah kat sini ok? Cuma crush. Because aku sgt senang nak crush dengan orang. Imagine my surprise when the crush goes out with a close friend. Currently dating. He is a decent guy. I might be happy for the said friend. I might. BUT i am a bit confuse of where things are heading. I DON'T CARE. except of course i have a vested interest... or not. maybe i don't. I don't know. Have it or not. I am interested (although i previously said I don't care. Urgh somebody stop me)..

So. This is a decent guy. Who i had a mild crush on since 2nd year. Who is now dating my close friend.

I don't mind. This is a mild crush remember? Except.... why am i trying to convince myself still?

And i don't even know if said friend reads my blog. If you are... Chill out.. It's just me. I won't steal him away... It's just a mild crush (yup should stop saying that huh?) haha

Constantly Consistent

Hahahaha. Lawak sangat statement ni. Because aku rasa.... Aku sangat bersemangat buat something tapi aku lack execution. Macam contohnya BLOG ni. Aku SANGAT SUKA menulis. Tak tipu. Aku boleh tulis panjang-panjang kat kertas. Dalam otak apa la yang nak letak kat dalam blog yang papa kedana ni. But then banyak sangat benda2 yang menghalang. Ini adalah list kenapa aku malas blogging walaupun aku wish aku tak sangat:

1. Kena TYPE apa yang aku fikir

Solution: Order seorang typist yang suka menaip untuk kerja. Seeloknya orang yang tgh practical so die tak charge tinggi or charge langsung (haha aku hina)

2. Kena BUKAK komputer. Kau tau tak ini masalah besar. Untuk converse energy (haha. aku tgh dengar bestfriend aku mengutuk statement menipu ini) kite perlu tutup ALL electrical appliances.. So sah2 la si laptop ini bukan terbuka untuk convenience aku terus mencurah idea2 yang mungkin bernas atau tak bernas. But you would never know because....AKU TAK BLOG ABOUT IT.

Solution: Hmmm... write it down on a piece of paper then ikut step 1. Wah!

3. Aku dan INTERNET... Ade love hate relationship. AKU SAYANG INTERNET. GILE KALAU TAKDE LEXIS / CLJ!!!!!!!!!!! Akan tetapi. Die useful untuk kerja. And untuk leisure aku sangat prefer untuk maybe hiburkan hati aku dengan failbook atau menengok gambar2 menarik di bored panda yang honestly aku boleh habiskan like ONE WHOLE DAY. Wait.. aku dah miss point aku. OH! ha... so aku dan internet mmg slow sikit. Because blog bagi aku adalah satu social thing maka aku MALAS.... Kau tau tak betapa aku proof read what i say before i post it? hahaha. Even THIS post yang nampak sangat simple.

Solution: Paksa bestfriend aku lebih banyak menulis pasal die lebih aktif berinternet dan gigih dari aku...

4. Ha dan finally. ni yang paling nyata... Solution2 di atas ni hanyalah satu distraction of the core issue. Aku nak lebih rajin menulis. So the point is simple is to start writing. I had this huge writer's block for almost ALL my life. And when i mean BLOCK i mean i write occasionally and sometimes i score. But then I am not AJ (Maybe that's why i am deep down a little bit jealous of her). I could not produce a piece every single time i fire up my computer. So This is me overcoming that. Apa yang aku try nak achieve from today onwards adalah: Write more and try to write more casually....

P/S: aku sedar mungkin aku takde readers. siapa baca dormant blog? tapi maybe overtime. Dengan usaha akan ade hasil. hahaha.. worse come to worse ini jadi diary aku. senang cerita. Oh... and maybe tambah pics u know... lagi ceria blog ini. haha..