Monday, April 2, 2012

When it rains, it pours

I have always had a crush on the guy. But not a huge crush yang sampai menangis air mata berdarah seperti ini:

Haha.. emo-tikus sangat gambar ni. ade lagi few freaky pictures. Type je air mata berdarah kat google. or ini link die (ini untuk menepati janji to have more pix ;p)

ANYWAY. so takde air mata berdarah kat sini ok? Cuma crush. Because aku sgt senang nak crush dengan orang. Imagine my surprise when the crush goes out with a close friend. Currently dating. He is a decent guy. I might be happy for the said friend. I might. BUT i am a bit confuse of where things are heading. I DON'T CARE. except of course i have a vested interest... or not. maybe i don't. I don't know. Have it or not. I am interested (although i previously said I don't care. Urgh somebody stop me)..

So. This is a decent guy. Who i had a mild crush on since 2nd year. Who is now dating my close friend.

I don't mind. This is a mild crush remember? Except.... why am i trying to convince myself still?

And i don't even know if said friend reads my blog. If you are... Chill out.. It's just me. I won't steal him away... It's just a mild crush (yup should stop saying that huh?) haha

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