Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Let the games begin

So lately ni.. di sekitar Shah Alam aku akan nampak ini:

Ops.. Ha.. yang last one tuh tak la. BTW. kenapa nak bakar2 pulak ni?? kau duit mmg tak reti nak hargai eh? Kau ingat kau bakar tu ade symbolize anything ke. "Every small thing you do. Let it matter." and this action was pointless...

Anyway. As i was saying. Bendera2 yang digantung tak cukup meriah untuk aku fikir "Dah election ke? Aku miss announcement???"... Tapi of course mencurigakan. kenapa tiba2 penuh bendera barisan nasional (hahaha.. aku selalu tersasul sebut ni bendera umno)...

So obviously ini hanya misteri yang aku takkan solve pon because aku bukan seorang detective sekolah menengah...

Kalau kau tak tau siapa dia, childhood/adulthood kau sgt tak fulfilling. It's not as good as reading straight from a comic book BUT you have to try sample the online manga. It's different because it is in english. The comic is of course alih bahasa ke BM. So once you're hook, purchase the comic for your reading pleasure.

*on a sidenote, even with the existence of e-book, i would forever choose to read the proper book. that is until mother earth absolutely can't take anymore destruction of its trees. sigh~*

AGAIN. aku dah miss my point. So anyway. No.. Tak de jawapan dalam post ini KENAPA bendera BN merata tempat di dalam shah alam ni. But i am making an educated deduction that probably election dah dekat and nak get ahead of the competition. Like ha gantung semua2.. biar orang dah nampak dan imprint dalam otak logo bendera tuh. then announce date and wait for the others untuk terhegeh2 gantung... I have nothing against that. You have to play by your advantage kan.. hahaha

SO... dengan deduksi aku sendiri.. ELECTION DAH DEKAT!! mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! akhirnya akan diperguna juga identiti aku sebagai seorang pengundi yang sudah 3 tahun menunggu untuk dipergunakan.

For now... Obviously those that knows me best knows which side of the fence i am on. But i am determined to choose not the party but the people.... so sway me politicians. Let's hear you out.

Let the games begin...

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