Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Adventure: BUKIT TABUR

this is one of the few things that i had look forward to... sure it was a week before finals began. but we threw caution in the air as we spent the time to go hike bukit tabur. i have to say the whole experience was at first a nightmare.. i was so out of breath and bloody tired. screamed to myself a few times to go beyond my limits. there is one very significant advantage of being with a number of people.. the urge to quit is usually silenced in determination to not fail. we stopped 3 times because of yours truly (was really embarrassed). vomited because surprisingly i got nauseous up there which i hear happens to people when they hike but when i read it my reaction was: REALLY?? WHY?
Having puked myself. that is still a mystery to me. (sebenarnye if google je pown tau the answer.. but malas ;p)

anyways. having reached the end. it was marvelous. i would repeat this experience in a heartbeat. i enjoyed the scenery and the company. its wonderful how friendships can be appreciated in the most unlikely candidate...

and the view was worth it. having gone up in pitch black condition did not seemed like a good idea but seeing the night turns to day and catching the coveted sun rise. it was worth it.. i would love to go again...

anyways.. a few pics on that day...

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