Disclaimer: The posts are not intended to you as long as your name is not there. Tapi kalau termakan cili.. sendiri tuang air.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
politik???!!! TAK PAYAH LA.
perlu ke all the drama?? its just university election. bawak bertenang la bro. tak payah nak kecoh drama sume. baru tahap universiti dah kecoh i wonder ape jadi kat malaysia in the future. kalau rase tak boleh and tak reti berpolitik tak payah kecoh masuk. buat semak and annoy orang je. seriously. heh.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tell my friend why diorang tak patot give up.
when people say somebody terror cakap english diorang akan terasa and again berduka cita.pointer tak tinggi and tak tau hala tujuan hidup nanti membuat kan diorang berasa sedih memikirkan masa hadapan mereka. dengan pointer sebegitu dan ketidak-fasihan dalam bahasa inggeris, boleh dapat keje ke? sape nak amek?? kalau dapat pon berapa sen sangat la gaji tu agaknye.
diorang dikelilingi oleh orang orang yang bijaksana dan yang menggunakan bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. (sebab 'ibu lidah' diorang english :P) asal nak belajar or buat keje akan rase sedih dan duka cita sebab diri tak pandai. dah nak abes belajar tapi tanye soalan bagi jawapan macam tak belajar law pon. jawab dalam bahasa 'orang baring' (layman :P) tak reti reti lagi...
dah tu tahap kerajinan untuk pegi class pon kurang. dan pegi class pon tak berapa rajin sebab dah lost hope. belajar berapa tahun tak pandai pandai. baik duduk rumah or keje kilang terus. tak payah abeskan duit mak bapak bak kate diorang.
tell them why they should not give up when what they can now see is only darkness....
Friday, February 18, 2011
Kempen tak nak beg plastik. Selamatkan BUMI atau PENIAGA??
I care about the environment too. tetapi benda ni lama lama membuatkan kite terfikir... berkesan ke?? ape jadi dengan duit yang dikutip untuk beg plastik tu?? cube fikir, peniaga sekarang makin untung. first sebab die dah tak payah bagi beg plastik, lepas tu diorang CAJ pulak kalau nak beg plastik. dah dua kali ganda diorang untung. macam mana tu? bukan nak berkira dalam usaha menyelamatkan bumi but bukan patot nye at least duit tu digunakan untuk tujuan membaik pulih alam sekitar jugak ke? baru la seimbang...
dulu kite kena tukar from polisterin tu those mangkuk from kelapa sawit or what not. yang tu kena caj 20 sen. which is fine, because we are paying for something yang boleh mengurangkan beban alam. so why not kau caj 20 sen untuk plastik beg, tapi beg plastik tu buat yang biodegradable punye?? since kalau bagi beg kertas pon akan menyebabkan pokok ditebang.
but again.... sejauh mana die berkesan? bukan patot ajar dulu masyarakat untuk membuang sampah dengan betul dan recycle? sediakan lebih banyak tong sampah dan sistem pelupusan sampah yang efisyen lebih baik dari menghalang cuma penggunaan beg plastik saje??
jangan fikir jangka pendek je. kena fikir jangka masa panjang. kalau tak de beg plastik but orang buang sampah bersepah pon tak guna. and masalahnye sekarang ade sesetengah pihak yang mengambil kesempatan dengan mengenakan bayaran untuk beg plastik yang transparent tu and diorang kedai makan. logik ke?? and bukan kedai kat luar tetapi dalam universiti.
bukan je kena bayar untuk harga makanan mahal, but also untuk beg plastik or kertas bungkus makanan. tak melampau ke?? nak angkat buku pegi class satu hal and they expect us to carry bekas makanan kehulu kehilir supaya tak kena caj??? IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!
benda ni memang logik untuk selamatkan bumi but again, sejauh mana keberkesanan dan kebaikan benda ni?? diharap kan pihak pihak berpatutan fikirkan langkah yang lebih baik bukan setakat caj pengguna dan tak berkesan pon kempennye...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Expecting from Malaysians
Remember this? Ever since I could remember, the government has struggled to maintain the cleanliness of the country. We are drilled by advertisements and reminders to throw garbage in the trash can. Yet "Malaysia Boleh!" prevails and littering continued to be an all time favourite pastime.
So where did we go wrong?
And then mother earth faces a threat to its very existence. Now you see this
At the end of the day its the way its being implemented. I'm all for "no plastic bag day". But its a short term plan for long term goal. It's a start but there's a need for it to grow.
Humans are weak individually but forceful as a society. So the authority should force us to be more humane to mother earth..
Melentur buluh dari rebungnya. Well implement the idea and habit in children. They will grow up to make Malaysia (hopefully) a cleaner and more environmentally friendly. Provided that grown ups don't corrupt this habit of course.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Pagi tadi pegi breakfast kat luar.. then mase on the way nak naik kete untuk balik, ternampak kucing beberapa ekor sedang bermain. Comel, bersih and gemuk. Nampak berbela… and then we saw banyak lagi kat belah dalam pagar tu tengah main lari lari.. sume comel, gemuk dan bersih.
Then datang sorang perempuan ni kat kitorang cakap jangan attract kucings to ke jalan sebab diorang nanti main lari lari and kete langgar. Perempuan ni was the one yang jaga all these kucings yang orang buang. Die cakap orang konon tak nak sunat kucing kate dosa, and yet kau pegi buang kucing ni sume merata. That is right! Korang ni BODOH ke JAHIL???!! I mean I am in no position to say about agama, but if kau rase neuter or sunat kucing tu dosa, kau tak rasa kau buang kucing tu kat tempat tempat lain tak dosa??? Lagi la seksa kucing tu. Die akan continue pregnant, tak cukup makan, mana orang hambat dengan penyapu lagi… TU SUME TAK DOSA???!!! JUST BECAUSE KAU CHOOSE TO TAK SUNAT KAN SEBAB KONONNYE DOSA, BUT BUKAN TU MENCEGAH DARI DOSA YANG LEBIH BESAR KE BAHLUL???!!!
Come on la… jangan jadi BODOH. Perempuan tu kate ade orang siap datang bawak racun tikus supaya kucings tu makan sebab nak bunuh kucings tu sume.. MAKA???!!! TU PON DOSA JUGAK. DOSA SAPE?? DOSA KAU SEBAB KAU TAU DOSA BILE NAK SUNAT KUCING BUT TAK TAU DOSA MENGANIAYA KUCINGS…
Bengang nak mampos dengar perempuan tu menceritakan kesah kesah manusia yang tak berhati perut. If only I have the chance and opportunity to help her I would. Cuma now I don’t have the financial support to do that. I would want to pick up all the stray cats and put them in one safe place. Animals are nuisance so you said, but humans are cruel. If in any situation, I would choose to save the animals then orang sebab orang ade otak. Kucing tak de. If orang boleh jadi bodoh. Kucings have all the right to be LAGI bodoh. But at least die tak langgar kau sampai mati or letak racun dalam makanan kau.
What do you get by aniaya binatang?? Kau rase more powerful ke?? Like seriously?? Kau Cuma mampu rasa kuat dengan seksa binatang maknanye kau ni tak kuat. Cuba carik lawan yang standing. Kalau rasa tak boleh, kau boleh pegi mampos sendiri.
Friday, February 4, 2011
A shifa
I have bad days. Bad episodes of self esteem where i feel like such a failure. But then i am always lucky enough to come back to a friend who made me see i can be everything i want to be. When things are so far down that I fear there is no room for me to ever feel good she will just be there.. Just there.. she will hug me and make me feel safe.
Safe... the freedom of just being safe is so enormous. I feel safe in her presence. Invincible. Humbled by the fact that this girl is willing to protect me unconditionally.
My shifa protects me even from physical pain. She misses classes nursing me to health.. undergo sleepless nights ensuring i wasn't affected by the medicine that gives me nightmares. No one waited on me like that. No one cared enough.
There was a time when a conflict occur that was so big a scale that it cost us friendships. I was scared to go to class. Scared of the consequences. Scared of the possibility of being an outcast. And she gave me all the support that she could. She chose me. I was going to war with only one person in my camp. But then when that person is my shifa, i won that war. It was only later upon reflection i realized that she was scared too, for me and herself. But unlike me, she was unselfish in allowing me to be weak. She had to be strong for the both of us. and that strength carried us through.
Over the years, she was my guide. She's brutally honest and a relentless life coach. I had to learn to never take shortcuts, never to trust fully, never give when youre being screwed. She made me open my eyes. Life is not ideal. if it was it would be my own private world where unicorns were the fastest way to travel.
She is my sister... no matter what DNA tells me...
Dear tayan, the reason i cast a wish when an eyelash falls is that the practice awarded me your friendship..
And i remember the moment i knew we were gold was when having encountered a very emotional stressful day with lots of crying, you sent ONE message and made me smile. Made me smile. When the world around us was crashing down....
I owe you my life. Or we owe each other but not really. haha.. i am a better person. i am a better friend.. and you were the reason..
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
buried hopes
Saya baru membaca buku anne ketika umur saya 21 tahun. akan tetapi walaupun insiden yang telah saya ceritakan itu berlaku 15 tahun yang lalu saya rasa ia boleh diaplikasikan dalam kisah ini.
Semasa saya di sekolah rendah kite perlu isi satu kolum berkenaan cita2 kita apabila dewasa. Walaupun saya mengaku saya sudah berjaya memenuhi satu impian saya iaitu untuk belajar undang2 dan menjadi peguam, di dalam proses itu beberapa mimpi and impian saya yang lain terpaksa dilepaskan. Mereka adalah-
1. DJ Radio
2. Pengacara TV atau Pembaca Berita
3. Juruterbang
4. Doktor Veterinar
5. Angkasawan
6. Arkitek
7. Doktor
Saya pasti hidup orang lain juga ada "perfect graveyard of buried hopes" tapi saya yakin atau cuba meyakinkan diri saya bahawa semua yang terjadi ada hikmahnya. Antara cita2 saya yang paling besar adalah menjadi doktor veterinar tetapi saya alah dgn bulu haiwan..
Saya ingin memetik dari lirik Katy Perry di dalam lagu firework
Maybe the reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Jessed UP 2011
I can assure you satu batalion orang akan hantar the team to the airport. Congratulations! Tak perlu heart broken lagi! :)