Some of the words are not the exact similar ones. But the true meaning that I care most.
Abah: dah makan blom?
Me: blom. Lepas exam nanti baru makan. Tadi tak sempat.
Abah: hujan tak kat sana?
Me: haah. Tapi hujan renyai je.
Abah: abes tu macam mana pegi exam?
Me: naik bas.
Abah: abes tu tak bawak payung ke?
Me: tak. Pegi naik bas, tak pakai payung.
Abah: abes tu hujan macam mana jalan nak pegi exam? (yes, he repeat the sentence)
Me: dah sampai dah kat hall, naik bas.
Abah: oh. Gelap ke situ?
Me: sah sah la. Malam. Tapi ade lampu jalan.
Abah: jangan jalan gelap gelap sorang-sorang. Nak pegi mane-mane ajak kawan suruh teman.
Me: ye. Ok. Tau. Tau.
Abah: pukul berape test?
Me: kul 8.30. dah nak start dah ni. Dah dalam hall pon.
Abah: oh. Ok. Ok. All the best. We always pray for you.
These are the last conversation I had with him I think. Yup. Maybe. Well, he gave his last words. Of course that is not what I have in mind when he called. What crossed my mind was, “yes. I know that already, why are you telling me things that I knew.” Silly me. I didn’t appreciate that last call much. Not until he’s gone. Now I’m craving to hear his voice, regardless what he’ll have to say. If only I can freeze that moment so that it will last forever. I still dialled his number sometimes. Just checking. Haha. Macam la die boleh angkat phonekan. There are a lot of regrets I had. We didn’t talk much. Perhaps once a week.
Haish. Tak pe la. It’s not meant to be. Pasrah and redha.