Here goes another year of independence. I dont know why makin lama i notice that it is just a mere celebration and a waste of money. I understand it should be celebrated. Sebab... kite merdeka la or whatever. heh. But btol ke we are now independent?? OK. Im not going to start dragging and include all the things that I learned in class. I'll save that only for exams. haha.. tak perlu la repeat banyak kali kan. haih..
I dont understand why we cant have a simple celebration that cost less and does not involve the waste of time of people dancing around and their energy. Fine. Do the concert thing you want on the eve of merdeka. The next morning just a simple speech on air should be enough i think. what more dengan bulan puasa nye tahun ni. haih....
and the bangang part of it, it is just the same every year. the same words formation, marching, helicopter here and there... heh. tak bosan ke. cuba la spend time and think about other masalah negara rather than humiliating yourself tertido on stage di saat benda tu live on air satu malaysia kan. heh..
whatever it is... merdeka semakin hambar di saat semakin banyak benda yang obviously menunjukkan ketidak-merdekaan-nye malaysia ini. heh. balik tido lagi baik.
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